Solid and reliable solutions for sustainable energy
Schmack Biogas offers full support to those who want to generate electricity from biogas or biomethane. Schmack Biogas can offer a complete range of services, starting with the feasibility study and design, taking care of the permit process and construction, assembly and start-up, and providing routine and special maintenance. German technology entrusted to highly trained Italian personnel: because it is important to speak the same language.
Anaerobic digestion is the best way to take advantage of the potential of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste as an energy source. We use the experience and the know-how gained in recent years thanks to the construction of numerous plants to help you select the most suitable technology, supporting your biogas or biomethane plant project from the permit process onwards.
The conversion of biogas into biomethane, i.e. into a gas that is of the same quality as natural gas, makes it possible to use biogas in many fields, and not just for the generation of electricity. Biomethane, in fact, may be injected into natural gas transport and distribution networks, which in Italy are particularly dense, or compressed and transported in cylinder trailers, or even liquefied and converted into LNG; it may be used to heat homes or industrial spaces, for the generation of electricity in high-efficiency co-generators, or as transport fuel.
Our long-standing experience in the construction and maintenance of biogas and biomethane plants makes Schmack Biogas the ideal partner to whom you can entrust the maintenance of your plant, or to turn to for biological support. Qualified personnel, a warehouse that can send spare parts throughout Italy in 24 hours and a specialised in-house laboratory: contact us for more information.
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August 5, 2021
Outstanding result for Schmack Biogas: two more important contracts signed in Greece
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